Imran Khan Wedding Pictures

Posted By admin On 25.12.19

Intimate and understated. Cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan married television presenter Reham Khan at his residence in Bani Gali on January 8 in a simple, no frills ceremony. Imran donned a sherwani made by a local tailor for the wedding, while the beaming bride donned an ivory Maheen Kardar Ali (of Karma) ensemble. Below are just a few exclusive photographs of the 'Naya Couple', courtesy photographer.

Imran Khan chose to wear a simple cream sherwani. — Photo by Belal Khan Reham Khan shares a meal with Madrassa children.— Photo by Belal Khan Imran had decided against having a grand Valima ceremony and chose to distribute food to less privileged children— Photo by Belal Khan Reham Khan with Mufti Saeed at his Madrassa.—Photo by Belal Khan The newly wed at their photo shoot. — Photo by Belal Khan Reham Khan's photo shoot after the wedding ceremony.— Photo by Belal Khan The newly married couple.— Photo by Belal Khan The new bride at her wedding ceremony.— Photo by Belal Khan The couple pose with guests at the wedding.— Photo by Belal Khan. Imran khan I got to know u as a person and ur values by listening to ur and mrs. Rehab khan interview on khara each. Leaving dharma aside u came across a warm, companionate, loving father, a moral foresighted principled human being having lots of love for the people of Pakistan. Sitting 12'ooo miles away in San diego, California I feel u will bring a good change to the governance of country.

People seeking material wealth can,t achieve greatness here and what happens hereafter they know soon. Persons seeking well beings of humanity are indeed successful. Please give high priority to make a team of dedicated, honest, forward looking, competent, professionally qualified people. Pulling the society out of disastrous course to stability to progress is monumental but not impossible for the honest leader which r are. Khan provide u extra strength to achieve ur mission. I and my family pray for both of u and wish u the best.


Sincerely, Malik Ashraf. I don't understand the backlash from others about this marriage, I don't agree with Imran Khan I actually loath his politics, he was a cricketing legend and should have ended his career being one, as opposed to getting into the dirty business of politics. I congratulate him and his new wife on this marriage, and I am sick and tired of others complaining about the marriage, why complain if they're both happy you have no right to object it does not affect your life, unless if you make it affect your life. And to the people leaving disgusting and filthy comments, and casting aspersions on the integrity of Mrs Khan, you should be ashamed of yourself. This is IK's personal life but he could have waited for another two weeks in respect of children and teachers who lost their lives in the province he governs.

I was shocked not to see him on opening day of APS in fact all the civilian leadership was absent. IK and his Mrs. Breaking bread with madrassah children atleast did not go well. What was the point IK wanted to make? If it is education than why he does not put his own kids there?

Why he chose posh British schools for his children. This is hypocrisy why you scold PM and others for such an act.

Leadership is not only saying good words but living through it. Please don't throw stones on others when you yourself live in a glass House.

@Hamid Dear 1st of all Mr & Mrs IK wanted to go to APS but were not given permission as visit of COAS to APS was already scheduled. (you can verify it from IK's yesterday's tweet and some of today's papers).

Imran Khan New Marriage

2ndly IK have never said anything about children studying abroad as getting a good education is just according to Islam (remember seek knowledge even if you have to go to China for it) and morality. IK's children are in his mother's custody.

What IK says is to improve education system of the country and for that he must come to power at first (not a weak government like the one in KPK but a strong government with PTI's own majority and not alliance). Your logic of waiting for another 2 weeks is beyond comprehension. It was a simple wedding so does not deserve any criticism. As far as Peshawar incident is concerned, for that we need comprehensive solid actions (government's prerogative) as mere statements and only military courts will not do much.

Simple and elegant. I must so awesome to look at. Although he could smile some, but then he probably has that faraway look in his eyes because he is thinking of 'how different this is from last time'. Some of us get married and stick with it for life. If I had a second wedding I would go for this look too. Like him the first one was extravagant and for me. If I got married a second time, I would also do it with the poor street kids somewhere or other.

Pakistani Imran Khan Wedding Pictures

It makes the photos look great - like multi textures and coloured shots, these are layered with the textures of society and the diversity of the shitzoephrenia of our nation. I do wish the couple peace, I do hope her smile continues. But get real Pakistan - even the average jo on the street could not work up a wedding like this. And even if they did - marriage if its done right and for the right reasons - is something to celebrate. Let each one do it as they wish as long as they don't go into debt. Take my sharifaan from my kitchen and see if she can follow the IK RK trend for her daughter's wedding.

People celebrate what they like, they like their marriages so they enjoy them. If you have done it enough times, you can go for whatever style you fancy I suppose!