Saint Seiya Asgard Episodes

Posted By admin On 19.01.20
  1. Saint Seiya Asgard

.: He has several. With Shun, he broke Shun's chain and allowed himself to fall in order for Shun to defend himself. He brought back the magic water to heal Shiryu's eyes (Anime Only).

Went back for Saori when she was being attacked by Silver Saints.: Apparently, on Saori. Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken (Pegasus Meteor Fist): Fires several punches in the form of meteors. Pegasus Sui Sei Ken (Pegasus Comet Fist): He focuses his punches into one single point to create a comet. Pegasus Rolling Crush: Lifts his opponent into the air and slams their head into the ground. /HeroicWillpower: HOLY ATHENA. This guy just doesn't quit.: Simply 'Pegasus' in Italy.: Moreso in the beginning.:.: Get used to the red shirt and jean combination.: The guy often cries for either his friends or his rivals.: Lampshaded by Hyoga while he and the others were waiting for Shun by the airplane.: His guiding constellation and Cloth.: He's the main picture of this trope.: With Aioria.: Red to Shiryu.: His versus Shaina and Jamian.: And it causes him lots of trouble, actually.

Just ask Shaina what she thinks of this!.: In one of the saddest moments of the series he blinded himself to defeat Perseus Algol and save his friends.: Was this in the beginning, as he relied a lot on his.: Is very level-headed, kind, and soft-spoken when off-duty.: But attack or insult his friends, Saori or his sister Shunrei, and you'll have a punching the living Hell out of you. Deathmask learnt it the hard way!. Rozan Shōryūha (Rozan's Rising Dragon Force): His signature.

Rozan Ryūhishō (Rozan's Dragon Flight): Punches forward as if flying. Dragon no Ken (Dragon's Kick): This is the one he used on Cancer Deathmask (before he stops him with one finger). Rozan Hyakuryūha (Rozan's One Hundred Dragons Force): A hundred dragons made of cosmos come out. Rozan Kōryūha (Rozan's Enraged Dragon Force ): A where Shiryu sends both him and the unlucky soul Shura into outer space thus killing them both Shiryu survived it afterwards. Excalibur: A move given by Capricorn Shura that allows him to focus his cosmos into a blade that is capable of cutting anything.: Was much cockier in his first appearances.: Subverted, he's got many character traits but is ethnically Japanese.: More like. After blinding himself in the fight against the Perseus saint, he retrains with his master and no longer needs his eyes to fight.

Saint seiya asgard athena knight

Saint Seiya Asgard

Understandable since all saints have a.: Plucked his own eyes out to fight against a guy who has a Medusa-inspired shield that almost petrified him, Seiya and Shun.