Anaconda 2 Cast

Posted By admin On 22.01.20
  1. Karl Yune
  2. Lake Placid Vs Anaconda 2 Cast

Film #30 of the 'Scavenger Hunt 2' Challenge! Task #27: A film that is a guilty pleasure that you HAVE seen before and prize highly! However no one would EVER expect you to love it!

Yes! I love this film!

I sought emergency treatment to no avail! It is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable modern day creature feature flicks out there! It has not one but two gloriously over the top villains! I don't know which is worse the ginormous anaconda with an bottomless pit for a stomach or the nefarious Paul Serone played by Jon Voight! Anaconda is my cinematic main squeeze! Watch it and soon it will put the squeeze on YOU!;-). Absolutely ridiculous (and ridiculously fun) big snake riverboat jungle jam where Ice Cube is a camera man, J-Lo is a director shooting a documentary, Owen Wilson is a sound guy (I think?), Eric Stoltz is an Amazonian expert, and an opening where Danny Trejo commits suicide (after a snake attack leaves him with no other option) is all overshadowed by Jon Voight’s absurd accent and serpent-like beady eyed sleaze champion stare.

This movie is a bulbous salutation of dumb 90’s fun that I kinda love. I think I’ve watched this incredibly silly movie 15 or 20 times. If this was made by Umberto Lenzi or Ruggerio Deodato in the late 70’s/early 80’s with Tomas Milian as Jon Voight’s character it would ba called Anaconda Holocaust or Anaconda Ferox, feature a Riz Ortolani score, and it would destroy every movie in that subgenre. After reading Jason's, I felt compelled to watch Anaconda again for the first time in probably 15 years. Much to my surprise, I retained a lot of the imagery but blocked out some of the performances. Jon Voight is one hell of an entertainer. He was in his own movie, seriously - I'm not sure if he was even aware of anyone else in the shot with him besides the snakes (and most of them weren't even real).

Karl Yune

Even though his imaginary accent was of his own creating and he often said somewhat nonsensical/hilarious things - I thought he was sufficiently creepy. Voight's creep factor was rivaled by, director, Luis Llosa's ASSential booty cam shot that leered after. A little warm-up before I kick off to Cine's! A guilty pleasure that's still fun & amusing, Anaconda was one of those famous B-movies that used to air a lot on TV when I was a kid and whenever I caught a glimpse of it while switching channels, I'd usually end up staying till the end. Creature feature was my go-to genre while growing up and this, along with &, were amongst my favorites. Looking back today, it is difficult to ignore the multitudes of issues that plague this flick but back then, things like direction, screenplay, acting, plot structure, character arcs or themes etc didn't mean a thing to me. The only stuff that.

A creature feature in every sense of the word, 'Anaconda' is a splendid entry in the great tradition of B movies. It's entertaining, adventurous, over the top, occasionally scary and a whole lot of fun. I wasn't expecting to come away liking it, and yet I did. The problem with the film is that you have to be in a B-movie mood to enjoy it.

If you are, you can't go wrong with this one. The plot: A group of film students are venturing into the amazon river to find a hidden tribe of humans known as the Shirishamas. We have the director Terri Flores (Jennifer Lopez), her cameraman Danny Rich (Ice Cube), as well as characters played by Eric.

Anaconda 2 Cast

In New York, the ambitious Dr. Jack Byron and his associate Gordon Mitchell present the research of his assistant Sam Rogers to the CEO and board of directors of a corporation to sponsor a scientific expedition to Borneo. The objective is to find a flower, Blood Orchid, that flourishes for a couple of weeks every seven years and could be a fountain of youth, prolonging the expectation of life of human beings.

They are succeeded and once in Borneo, they realize that it is the raining season and there is no boat available to navigate on the river. They pay US$ 50,000.00 to convince Captain Bill Johnson and his partner Tran to sail to the location. After an accident in a waterfall, the survivors realize that a pack of anacondas have gathered for mating and their nest is nearby the plantation of Blood Orchid, which made them bigger and bigger.

Lake Placid Vs Anaconda 2 Cast

No one really wanted, or asked for, a sequel to the seriously stupid 1997 creature feature Anaconda. But it was a hit (somehow) and you know how studios are when it comes to milking something for all it's worth - yes, Halloween 9 is currently in pre-production! Surprisingly, Anacondas is actually quite good for what it is. Originally meant to be a direct-to-video production, Sony was so impressed with the dailies that they more than doubled the budget and elevated it to a theatrical release. The budget constraints still cramp its style, compared to A-list studio stuff, but it's the best film it possibly can be. With a touch more plot, involving a search for an ultra-mega-massively rare flower, called the Blood Orchid, that only blooms every seven years and can unlock the secret to everlasting life, there is a sophistication to the script, rather than plain old slither'n'slash.

So we have a bunch of scientists on an expedition to the unknown depths of the Borneo jungle and it's not off to a good start. They can only afford a ramshackle boat; it's the rainy season and the rivers are mighty treacherous. Also, their boat captain (Johnny Messner) is a gruff ex-Special Forces American, with the cutest pet monkey ever. Everyone seems to be okay about their perilous quest until they are attacked by big crocs, go over a waterfall and become shipwrecked.

Then, when things can't get any worse, one of them is gobbled up by - you've guessed it - an anaconda. Instead of the traditional one-by-one deaths story, like the first film, there is more conflict and interaction. These characters may not be the best, or the most well written, but the actors do what they can with what they've been given. Messner is especially good, keeping a cool head as snakes prey upon them from every shadow. J-Low-IQ, the hammy John Voight and Ice Cube may be gone (there is a quick reference to them), but fellow Boyz N The Hood alumni Morris Chestnut and E.R. Star Salli Richardson are offered up as potential reptile food.

And it just so happens that it's mating season. And the snakes are all up for a big orgy. And guess where the Blood Orchids are? Right above their shagging pit. Oh bloody hell!

Luis Llosa made Anaconda in the most simplistic and static way possible. This time Dwight H.

Anaconda 2 Cast

Little, the very man who gave us Halloween 4, the epic Steven Seagal movie Marked For Death and err. Free Willy 2, brings strong direction and integrity. It's a darker, more complex film that seriously promises to deliver the goods, but comes up a bit short. If it had been taken a few steps further, then it would have been great. As it is, it's more atmospheric and professional, but still, a bleaker ending, with more gobbled-up characters, would have suited me better. The snakes themselves look okay, nothing special.

Little keeps them hidden for as long as possible, only offering brief glimpses here and there. A snake is an awkward looking villain, so keeping it hidden is probably wiser. There is also, thank heavens, no dodgy animatronics. Incredibly dumb and unnecessary it may be, but Anacondas is easy, inoffensive entertainment that will surely appeal to some part of everybody's taste.